This is where you strive to be

If you are unhappy, make the decision to change it. But, be warned, anywhere but here won’t land you where you want. And, just saying it, or screaming it, or secretly hoping for it, won’t work. You must decide, and then do. But before you do, you must become. Lost yet? Well, let’s simplify it….

Keeping the Coffee in the Mug: How to have a Career AND start a business!

For anyone else out there that knows the sucker punch when you discover that only your best friend (and a stranger from the middle east) watched your Facebook live, or the throat gauge of showing up with business cards to a new networking event and finding out that “networking” in the trendy event and dating scene for young professionals, or the face plant after getting an invitation to speak and having to do an impromptu presentation because your audience is exhausted and hangry, and were forced to attend against their free will, then you should know two things:

What is your Story

Writing your story seems silly, and perhaps even morbid if you’re so inclined to think that way, but it’s actually refreshing and enlightening, so give it a try. Here is mine: I grew up in a small town after being offered drugs and being almost abducted at the age of 5 in the big city. I remember waving…

Start with Hope

No matter how old you are, you’re not old enough to quit dreaming. If you forgot your dream due to life’s distractions, or need direction in finding or pursuing that dream, it starts with “Yes, I can”. Say it. Chant it. And eventually you’ll finish the sentence: “Yes, I can … “. Sometimes it just…

Hype and Health

What is Hype and what is Health?? With so much money at stake in this climate of lobbyists, propaganda, misleading studies, and fix-all ‘magic’ pills, it’s hard to know what is actually healthy, and what is all hype. 35 years ago the president of the American Heart Association said that a low-fat diet would eradicate…


Find your calm! Symptoms of dis-ease or disease diagnosis is simply an indicator of the body’s current level of dissatisfaction with your current and past lifestyle. Migraines, headaches, belly aches, fatigue, exhaustion, “stress”, and bad posture are our body’s way of communicating difficulty. Feel better with vibrant, level-headed energy, clear recountabilty, and glowing complexion. It’s…

Keep It Simple

Wellness is not complicated. The windows are open, but Rosco Jr. has already planted herself in one of my indoor plants with Gizmo lying intently on the hammock. — Both appear ready to hibernate! 😊 The holidays are upon us, even though it may feel like early September, and as the holidays encroach on our…


Symptoms of dis-ease or disease diagnosis is simply an indicator of the body’s current level of dissatisfaction with your current and past lifestyle. Migraines, headaches, belly aches, fatigue, exhaustion, “stress”, and bad posture are our body’s way of communicating difficulty. Feel better with vibrant, level-headed energy, clear recountabilty, and glowing complexion. It’s not a cake-walk…

Social Jet Lag

Coined by Dr. Suhas, this epidemic-like pre-disease lifestyle is related to the study of Circadian Rythm. We can all imagine the effects on our body of a WEEKLY cross country or international flight. Imagine the jet lag and the effect on melatonin, digestion, seratonin, hunger, and brain activity. That jet lag is what many people…

Biological Clock

The Circadian Clock is a biological clock we should all be aware of. The seasons obey it. Our stomach enzymes respond to it. And when we are in sync with the Circadian Rhyth, we’ll find peace and rest with the ease of wellness! One way that new, old, and ancient studies demonstrate obeying this schedule…


Stop the perfection! Give yourself a break. The stress of being hard on yourself following a less-than-healthy decision may be as bad, if not worse, than that decision. Understanding what drove you to make a couple of unhealthy decisions is necessary, but the shame cycle won’t get you to the root cause. Shame and blame…

Stop the Perfection

As you embark and are rapidly overcome by the season, remind yourself that PERFECTION IS NOT HEALTHY!! Living intentionally, as a better version of ourselves, making healthy choices, meal planning, getting outside, making time for physical exercise and meditation, and then running our thoughts through a model can seem impossible during the holidays. Just remember…

Fleeting Law

Time is a law. It moves forward with or without our approval. It does not stop and ask if you are alright with it. It simply proceeds. Garfield joined our family when she was a kitten. Now she’s an adult with her own babies. And tomorrow she gets to see the vet to be fixed….

How to Help

If your highway is littered with trees, it’s difficult to go the speed limit! The same is true in life. If your path is littered with negative self-talk, unhealthy relationships, and toxic environments, it is increasingly difficult to find your way … and is impossible to get anywhere quickly. The Fix Fixing your life, or…

Too Much Passion

When it comes to things that I’m passionate about, I can be long winded. In fact, I have discovered a new talent: word vomit! And the listener’s reaction is just as vile as it sounds. So, my friend, don’t word vomit!! But how? It’s so easy to just explode with excitement and soak your conversation…

Fantastic Vibe

Vibration. Frequency. Mood. Energy. All synonyms when it comes to our body. And no matter how you refer to it, we have all walked into a room or environment before that totally changed how we felt. It is hard to have happy thoughts in a low environment, so even though thought therapy is where all…

Just the Facts

Events are neutral! Events are neither dark or light, black or white, or good or bad. They are simply events. Cell phone analogy coming soon, but first, dandelions. A weed is only a weed if the owner sees no value in what is growing. But that dandelion in the right yard is actually an herb…


As my dear friend Spring re-enters the picture and blesses me with the kind song of the birds and causes my beautiful lillies to begin to wake from their slumber, I’m reminded that change is inevitable, and thankfully a good transition into the next chapter. For me, this week has been a new chapter in…

Perfection Ruins Momentum

As you know, I am a podcast junkie … and proud of it!!! And as I break for a few minutes to listen to today’s playlist, I am stuck on the host’s mantra that perfection ruins momentum! I pause and rewind the podcast, and listen again. …Yeap, that’s me!! Out of fear of doing it…


Excuses are everywhere. And many of us are experts at making excuses!!! After all, it is incredibly easy to place items, objects, chores, people, jobs, and other people’s dreams between us and our dreams! It’s convenient to place obstacles in front of us distracting us from our goals. Hiding our ambition. Out of sight, out…

Joyful Path

One of my favorite cities in the world is Prague, but my favorite place in all the world is not that showy or exciting. It bolsters humble beauty. With a canopy of green during the summer and oceans of colorful leaves in the fall, there is no place more endearing than the forest. And add…


Follow your dreams, but to reach those hefty goals, you must be well!! Wellness is key to any dream, hope, or ambition that you have!! And wellness is not and should not be complicated!! In fact, at it’s core, it’s pretty easy, and comes down to 5 actions: Savor every bite. Eat slowly so you…

Commute Awesome

Normal is based on perspective! If you have red hair and all of your friends have red hair, red hair is your normal. Normal is comfortable. But a single glance of the outside world reminds us that our normal is pretty small. So, jump out of your comfort zone. Meet new people. Experience new things….

Quirky and Whimsical!

New to the blogging world! True. Quirky. Whimsical!! I believe that life is a gift and lens we see life through is the wrapping paper. I choose the sparkling, shiny lens!!